
Download komodo code editor
Download komodo code editor

Install version 1.9.0 of "MozillaBuild-$ver.exe" package into the default dir Visual C++ 11.0 (aka Visual Studio 2012) and all the Platform SDKs forīuilding Mozilla with vc11 as described here. Note that these are simplified steps of the building process, for a more in-depth

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Mailing Lists: komodo-discuss & komodo-beta & komodo-announce Building Komodo There are several ways to get in contact with the Komodo devs: This'll save you some time and hassle as you would not have to build in case you only want to contribute to a specificĬomponent.

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Want to check out the individual component/addon repositories under Whilst the main Komodo Edit source is hosted under this repository you may also This readme explains how to get started building, using and developing with

Download komodo code editor